ACLC’s Training and Education (T&E) focuses on real world application and transferring skills from the training program to the workplace. Our solutions incorporate all modalities (eLearning, Instructor-Led, Mobile, etc.) and Interactive Multimedia Instruction (IMI) levels (0-4), rooted in the Analyze, Design, Develop, Implement, and Evaluate (ADDIE) design model. Our T&E solutions are flexible, easily updated, and easily maintained, increasing production, improving work quality, and meeting all performance goals.
ACLC’s Mission Support focuses on providing quality, experienced personnel in a variety of specialized positions. We have access to exceptional personnel through our current support to Federal, Department of Defense (DoD), and Commercial efforts and our trusted relationship with Fort Bragg, the largest military installation in the United States. ACLC leverages our relationships with specialized employees to support mission-specific needs for our customers.
ACLC’s Technology Integration focuses on the full spectrum of Information Technology (IT) solutions. We provide custom serious educational gaming, virtual environments, mobile applications, software design and development, website hosting, helpdesk support, and learning management systems (LMS). ACLC's solutions promote and leverage the use of technology in T&E.